Fàthaiche Laghairt
Saurians are light on their feet, and able at navigating terrain that often confounds their enemies. When this natural mobility is combined with experience, strength, and proper equipment, their warriors can become particularly threatening in battle — if only because they are so much more difficult to confine than other foes. Even in armor, saurian warriors can take advantage of the smallest gap in an enemy line, and have the prowess to make the enemy regret tactical mistakes.
Aire sònraichte: Tha an t-aonad seo eòlach air streupaireachd is faodaidh e raon-smachd a nàimhdean fhàgail don dàrna taobh is gluasad mu thimcheall orra gun bhacadh.
Àrdaichidh e bho: | Streupaire Laghairt |
Àrdaichidh e gu: | Dì-neartaichear Laghairt |
Cosgais: | 30 |
PB: | 36 |
Gluasad: | 7 |
PE: | 55 |
Level: | 2 |
Co-thaobhadh: | coimeasgach |
ID | Saurian Ambusher |
Comasan: | streupaire |
Ionnsaighean (damage - count)
sleagh dlùth | 6 - 4 bioradh | ||
sleagh astar | 5 - 2 bioradh |
lann | -10% | bioradh | 20% | |||
bualadh | -10% | teine | -20% | |||
fuachd | -20% | dìomhair | 20% |
Cosgais ghluasaid | |||
Cruth-tìre | Dìon | ||
Badan balgain-bhuachair | 1 | 60% | |
Baile | 1 | 50% | |
Beanntan | 2 | 60% | |
Boglach | 1 | 60% | |
Caisteal | 1 | 60% | |
Cnuic | 1 | 60% | |
Coille | 2 | 60% | |
Do-choiseach | - | 0% | |
Gaineamh | 1 | 60% | |
Reòite | 4 | 30% | |
Riof cladaich | 2 | 40% | |
Rèidh | 1 | 40% | |
Tanalach | 3 | 40% | |
Uamh | 1 | 60% | |
Uisge domhain | - | 0% |